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Monday, February 20, 2017

Just One More Quest ...

Here it is! My first negative post about games. I’m often in a situation where I should clean up the room, wash the dishes, finish a book and instead I say something like this: “Let me just pass this quest in Dragon Age and I’ll do the task.” This is called procrastination and as promised previous week, here it is.

So, is procrastination good or bad? It depends, as always. It could help you keep your emotional wellbeing, or it could just delay your progress in life. We all procrastinate, except for those rare unicorns which are some action machines (I’m still to meet someone like that). First thing first. You have to be aware that it’s procrastination. On this part I really can’t help you much. But once you’re aware, you can change it and I have a cure. I’m still struggling to apply this strategy, but when I do it works as magic. What’s the strategy? Okay, no more suspense. Reverse the order. Now I’m hearing you say “What?!”. Use games as a reward AFTER doing your task.

Here is an example from my life. This blog you are currently reading took me 1 year to push myself to make it and start writing. Why? Because there was always one more quest to do in you choose the game. How did I make it happen? I decided that for each post I’ll be able to play as much as I want for the rest of the day. Do I play that much? No! But the idea that you can do this is invigorating itself. My point is that now I’m trying to do the work and then play games as a reward.

Give it a try and let me know if it works for you in the comments below.

Keep learning and may the Force be with you!

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