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Monday, April 17, 2017

Who’s the “Enemy”?

Are you comparing yourself with other gamers? Are you learning from them? I’m a very competitive person and used to transfer this trait to the games as well. I compared with other players all the time and I’ve learned the hard way that there are always better players than me. This made me feel miserable. Then I started realizing that other players are not the “enemy”. What changed? I started to compare to my yesterday self instead of other players. What happened? My wellbeing greatly increases and I’m now feeling happier than ever. This is very logical to me now, because it’s not that hard to be better than what you were yesterday. This said, it doesn’t mean you must stop learning from other better players. Just on the contrary!

Here is one example from my gaming experience. In the Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes I started chaotically. Leveling up random heroes without any synergies between them. At the beginning it was fun, because I’m a HUGE fan of Star Wars. Acquiring all my favorite heroes was quite engaging. Then at some point I got stuck. No progress in the PvE, PvP, totally stuck in my progress. I started searching for other players in YouTube. You can go check out AhnaldT101 and Warrior from Team Instinct. I’ve found their videos very very helpful. And I still do! By learning from them I managed to overcome this period and currently I’m focused on what I do. But now I’m trying to be better than yesterday me, not better than them.

One more example from my martial arts practice as well. When you start practicing, there are sooooo many better practitioner than you are. With consistency, love for the art and practice, you become better and better. If you keep comparing with others friendly technique training could escalate to pub fight! Besides the bleeding mouth (nose as well), you won’t be able to concentrate on the very important details, which allows you to grow more and more. With time this shift is very important in order to be able to teach others, to share your understanding of the art and grow by teaching. Also, your satisfaction from the practice will skyrocket!

Let me know to whom are you comparing?

Keep learning and may the Force be with you!

P.S. Here is one video where Gary Vaynerchuk summarizes it perfectly!

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