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Monday, April 10, 2017

You Are Playing Games? Cation! Side Effects Included!

This is a very interesting side effect that I developed over time. It's not like you work for it deliberately, but more like something you become good at while you play games. And here it is … drums please … the "Eye for details". What do I mean? The ability to reverse engineer how things work. Let me try to give you an example from my gaming experience and one from my martial arts practice.

First time I became aware of this was while I was playing Heroes of the Storm. It was like I understood better and better how the game mechanics work, especially for Nova (she is my top favorite hero there). It was very obvious when I tried to defend myself with her, to block Li Ming's big magic balls, or to get another talent if you have a lot of melee opponents. Those small details make you better at the game as a whole. It's the same in other games like Dragon Age: Inquisition (managed to beat it on Nightmare difficulty), Mass Effect, Civilization 6 and so on. I'm sure you got the point.

Here is the example from the martial arts world. In order to make a technique yours you have to master the smallest details in it. The smaller the detail you correct, the better you are. First you start with the basic movement. No one will expect from you to see something totally new and do it perfectly the first time (actually, perfection can't be achieved, so I strive for excellence). After you got the basic movements or concepts for that matter you go on to the next detail and so on.

For me personally games have helped me a lot by focusing my attention on the details. We become better at spotting details the more we practice it. I believe this skill can easily be transferred to you everyday activities. Let me know if you have seen such side effects in your life in the comments below.

Keep learning and may the Force be with you!

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